Children with asthma tend to grow slower than their healthy peers during the prepubertal years because they go into puberty at a later age.
Untreated asthma results in a delay of puberty by approximately 1.3 years, and pubertal delay is likely to explain the majority of apparent growth failure in asthmatics. At The Healing Garden we have developed an asthma and nutritional treatment plan designed to not only reverse your child asthma symptoms but also increase nutrition to bring them to a healthy state.
This is what’s in your package:
SEA MOSS | BLADDERWRACK | BURDOCK ROOT® A blend of over 102 revitalizing vitamins, minerals & enzymes scientifically proven to help safely stabilize your blood sugar in just days.
Contains the most mineral rich, nutrient dense herbs in the world.
Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world. Iron is a necessary nutrient for many bodily functions and our plant based iron supplement is the best.
Our unique Respiratory Health Herbal Blend is just what you need to clear up the respiratory system when bombarded with cough and congestion. Whether it be the common cold, asthma, bronchitis, allergies, whooping cough, or whatever ails your lungs, this blend will help you heal and relieve your symptoms.
Cleanse and purify the blood by supporting kidney and liver functions and removing waste and toxins from the blood.
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