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Jamaican Organics Healing Limestone sources from the pristine ocean is high in antioxidants, calcium and vitamin C. This vitamin is necessary to make collagen, a protein that keeps your skin firm and strong. Limestone is also used for: eczema, mosquito bites, acne, soaks and scrubs, stretch marks, smoother skin, and dark spots and so much more like teeth whitening. The use of limestone powder is recommended in case of skin conditions such as acne which develop majorly in oily skin types. Calcium present in limestone is antioxidizing in actions and can help in the treatment of acne. Antioxidants also help in preventing tissue damage and cause delaying in ageing of the skin. The use of limestone paste is recommended in case of skin conditions such as acne which develop majorly in oily skin types. Calcium present in limestone is antioxidizing in actions and can help in the treatment of acne. Antioxidants also help in preventing tissue damage and cause delaying in ageing of the skin. A mixture of honey and limestone has been found to be effective in the treatment of acne.


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